Friday, December 31, 2010

I am singing, at the party.

We went to Idaho for Christmas this year and had a blast. We had a Family Christmas party and the whole clan was there. Much laughter, giving, and food was had.

A picture of the whole clan...
(click to enlarge)

The grandkids acted out the nativity, my brand new niece Margaret was baby Jesus. This was the first time we saw that cute little girl.
another picture of the nativity
(click to enlarge)
the siblings did a white elephant gift exchange this year, and it was so much fun! Above is the gift that was the biggest hit. My SIL Shelby morphed everyone in this family picture (except for her fam) and framed it. It was HILARIOUS!

We also had so much fun with our annual family talent show. So much talent including: many wonderful musical numbers,some ballet dancing, moonwalking, an art exhibit, sweet saxaphone skills, and much much more!

This is Ryker's talent. He made a book about the many wonderful things about Christmas, but the best thing about Christmas being baby Jesus. He did so great!
For Bridger's talent, he memorized all the Book of Mormon pictures in the gospel art book and was able to recite what each one was.
Shawn, Bracken, and Bill were the grand finale. They wrote a song (a spoof of the Nacho Libre song) inside jokes about each one of us starting with my parents, and ending with Brack. It was a hit. In the video, it is hard to understand what he says sometimes so I am posting the lyrics above it.....ENJOY! HA!

I am singing at the party.
There’s nobody singing, it’s my turn to sing……at the party.
Everybody’s laughing…..happy……
...Feliz Navidad happy happy Christmas party.

Grandma’s number one she is fantastic she has my vote.
But Grandpas a villain he chases pelicans in his boat.

Darrec is the Birthright he inherits all the moneys.
He has 2 kids in Snake River and Tiniel is his Honeys

Kyle is Romantic he has candlelight with Trevor
But Shelby says “No way Jose, He is mine forever.”

Natalie’s an angel, she has the purest soul,
Bill gets the stomach flu, goes poopies in a popcorn bowl.

Katie is the best she host a party at her place
Tracy runs out naked off the dock and lands near my face.

Megan is my woman and she likes a ripple chips
And when she plays harmonica I kiss her swollen lips

Lindsay cuts the hair and gets rid of all the afro,
And Josh gets a red face he ask Grandma how wedding night should go.

Bracken gets a stones in his kidneys on his mission
To ease his pain he has a stiff drink at the salon.

I’m done singing at the partys,
Feliz Navidad our family is awesome at the party