Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Atwoods!

This is the only day Liv is able to claim..."Pinch Proof." Every other day, I can't help but pinch those cute little cheeks of hers:) (thanks Linds for the cute T-shirt!)

I also thought I would post some updates....

Ryker, also known as: Batman, Superman, Spiderman, a dragon, a dinosaur, and many many more characters, is excited to turn 6 next month (crazy!) He recently dressed up as "The Man With The Yellow Hat" from Curious George for favorite book character day at school (pictured above). He is constantly drawing and has become an amazing artist taking after his grandpa Williams and Uncle Mike. He is growing like a weed, and eating us out of house and home:) He is taking off with reading and makes sure to get his 20 minutes of reading in every night. Still my great helper and amazing oldest brother!

Bridger is talking so good lately and is constantly cracking us up with the things that come out of his mouth, some examples are: "what the Heck! it snowed again today!!" and "I got hit right in the tenders!" He is also known as Buzz, Woody, puppy dog, dad, and Robot Helper (the only way I get him to clean his toys is if we pretend he is a Robot helper:) He has also been known to wear a pair of goggles he found in the closet all day long because he thought they were his glasses (pictured above). He is still mischievous, but always with the cutest smile so it is hard to get after him. He is also becoming a great helper!

Liv, also known as Livie Pie, sis, baby cakes, etc... is such a happy, easy going baby! Almost 10 months old, she loves to clap, wave, say da da, ma ma, and sometimes Uh Oh. She adores her older brothers, and loves when they include her in playtime. Her favorite pastime is eating real food, especially spaghetti (pictured above) and she gets as messy as possible because she knows it will mean she gets to have her 2nd favorite pastime ...bathtime!(pictured below) She is the princess of the family, and still loves cuddling her mommy which I don't mind one bit. :)