Okay, I had a really crazy day the other day, and looking back now it is kind of funny, but at the time it was crazy! I thought I would share:) It was a typical Thursday evening about 7 o'clock, Shawn was at his night class in Salt Lake (doesn't get home usually until about 10pm), and I was home with the boys and I was just about to start getting Ryker ready for bed when all of the sudden, I can hear water running, usually a calming sound, but this time it caused a little anxiety (we live on a 2nd floor condo, people live above us and below us) I run to the hall bathroom, and water is pouring out of the bathroom light fixture and fan. Right then, my initial thought is
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Literally, I was thinking AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! I then get buckets and towels and anything I can find to stop the water from doing any damage, bundle up my boys and haul them upstairs, and knock on the door. I was greeted by the single lady that lives above us, she was very frantic, and told me how her water faucet blew off when she was going to take a shower and she couldn't get the water to stop. I went to her bathroom to look and water was shooting out very forcefully like a fire hose. I had no clue how to turn the water off so I haul my boys from door to door looking for someone to help. One of our neighbors was home and came to help. He went to turn the water off by her water heater, and the handle broke off as when he went to turn it. I then had the exact same thought pop into my head as earlier.... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! The lady started trying to call the maintenance people for help, and I haul my boys back down to our apartment only to find that the water was now coming out of my hall lights and laudry room, and I could hear it running down the inside of the walls. I turned off the lights as to not get electrocuted, and tried to stop the water with the last towels we had, all while both of my boys were screaming. About an hour later, the police came, and my neighbor picked the lock and shut off the water to the whole building.....finally. When Shawn came home I think he was a little surprised at what he saw:)Needless to say,they had to rip up some of our carpet, and are going to have to replace our ceiling and walls:)I am just glad that we are renting, a lot of people own these things. Anyways that is my story, I hope you enjoyed:) MORAL OF THE STORY: life is an adventure, enjoy the journey!